Practical Information




The first team of competitors will leave Place Vendôme at 8.30am, the others will follow in the order of their official team number. You must be ready to leave at least a half an hour before your scheduled departure, which will be confirmed via text message on your phone and will also be displayed at the Vendôme Pavillon the night before. It is important to be ready ahead of time to make sure everything is operating smoothly and to avoid any last-minute delays.


For those who did not drop their bags off the night before, you can bring them (with your official tags) to the participants’ luggage truck which will be parked at Place Vendôme.

Closing night

After the winners’ podium (and time to relax and change gears and garb), the evening gala is like a breath of fresh air, a release for everyone to let go and kick up their heels after a week of focused driving and passionate competition! Most of our princesses have a ball!


Arrival at Place Vendôme

The organizers will send you an invitation with the specific time at which you are expected to check-in at Place Vendôme. You must respect this schedule to keep the overall process flowing smoothly and on time. Appointments are scheduled until 3pm at the latest. Be careful to arrive in Paris the night before or hit the road very early in the morning on the big day.


Absolutely not allowed. You must drive there in your car.

Technical scrutineering

Focus on key safety elements such as brakes, tires, lights, etc.

Administrative check-in

We’ll make sure all your paperwork is in order and you’ll need to show us the originals of all the documents we requested, such as the car’s registration, insurance, the owner’s authorization, etc. This is also where you’ll receive your Road Book which you’ll need to use throughout the rally.

Opening night

After all the technical and administrative procedures have been conducted, the participants are invited to join is our traditional opening night gala at the Vendôme Pavillon.


Make sure you arrive with a full tank.

Support crew

They will need to be with you at the check-in so we can give them their folder with all the important details and their official access badges as well as their Road Book. Note that the rally’s support crew will not be available until the first day of the competition as they will be busy preparing for the event. Don’t expect them to help you install your trip master or repair any mechanical issues. Your car must be perfectly ready to compete!


If you don’t compete often, you can get a temporary license for this event only from one of the official on-site stewards. For this, you must provide a medical certificate from a doctor affirming that you are healthy enough to drive. If you compete often, you must show us your national or international license stating that you are authorized to compete.


Our team experts will take care of your car.


We will have private open bars Champagne, exclusively for our participants and their families wearing the official bracelets given out by the organizers (2 per team). The official Rally Boutique will be open for you to stock up on the latest treats and treasures. It will also be open each evening at the private parking area.


You can drop your luggage off as early as Saturday the 14th to avoid the last minute rush. Our luggage truck will be parked at Place Vendôme. The truck is reserved exclusively for the participants’ luggage. It will not accept the assistants or followers’ bags.


Sweeper car

The organizers’ support crew, equipped with a flat bed, will bring up the rear at the end of each leg. They can help in the event of any break down during the course. Another support crew will be on site at each lunch break. They can help you with any technical or mechanical issues you might have. You simply give them the keys and skip off to enjoy your meal while they fix whatever needs fixing. If it’s not too big of a job, it will be handled immediately. If not, they will either take care of it at night at the private parking area or they will bring it to the nearest garage for repairs. Our team can work many miracles but sometimes they to call in the reinforcements.

Regularity Zones

Each connecting leg will bring you to a regularity zone where you will meet the steward who will give you the go ahead. Wait your turn but don’t be late!

Lunch breaks

We choose the restaurants based on their location and their capacity (we are more than 250 people). The technical support team will be there to help you if you have any problem. Before or after each lunch break, the service areas for refuelling are indicated on the Road Book.

Organisers’ support service

The organizers will arrange for a support service, made of five mechanics and two trailers. It’s not there to check your car every night and make sure everything is tip top. Only to help fixing unexpected mechanical issues that could prevent you from competing. Learn the basics for taking care of your most precious treasure: your car! In the case of a breakdown, the organizers may provide support for the vehicle for up to 30 minutes. After this time, the crew will be offered transportation by truck to the nearest garage. This support will be available to crews at hotels at each evening’s stop over. In the case of a serious breakdown, the competitor may rejoin the rally at the start of the following leg but will be subject to penalties for the controls (CH, CP, and RS) missed or skipped.

Private support crew

Competitors can be followed by a private support crew, provided that the crew members are regularly enrolled with the organizers. Assistants always depart after the last competitors and are forbidden to ever be on the Regularity Sectors.

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