Peter AUTO

Silver Tiger Logistics

We are particularly pleased to have Silver Tiger Logistics as our partner for the season. Thanks to their expertise and availability, STL will be able to transport our participants’ cars to our events in the best possible conditions.

Indeed, the transport of classic cars is a delicate task that requires special know-how and attention. At STL, they have many years of experience in this field and have acquired a solid reputation for their professionalism and expertise. By choosing STL as a partner, we can offer our participants peace of mind!

🇺🇸 United States

SilverTiger Logistics Inc
22 Timber Creek Estates Drive
Sharpsburg, GA 30277
(+1) 678 974 88 01

🇬🇧 United Kingdoms

SilverTiger Logistics Ltd
Unit 2, Lodge Farm, Hook Road
Hampshire, RG29 1HA
United Kingdom
+44 1284 333 998

🇳🇱 The Netherlands

Silver Tiger Logistics (Netherlands) B.V.
Stationsplein 8K, Unit 7
6221 BT Maastricht
The Netherlands
+31 20 2611211

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